The inner expression of the outer woman.
From pre-teen to middle age every woman has an opinion about their periods. Many words come to mind – joy, curse, hassle, relief, pain, inconvenience, sadness, fear, and indifference.
As women, our cycles give us an open window into how we are doing, feeling, healing, and responding. Did you know that the crazy time many of us experience, what society calls PMS, is actually just the sum of your month?
When your hormones shift, to stimulate your uterus to start shedding the home its created for a fertilized egg, they also lower your emotional filter.
Consider your job that you tolerate, when inside you hate it and feel trapped; this job that you choose to be positive and ignore the issues that rub you the wrong way; this job that you ‘bite your tongue’ in meetings, and speak politely to your co-workers while inside you want to scream; this job that doesn’t represent what your abilities and gifts actually are, but it pays the bills; this job that was amazing in your twenties but no longer is where you’re supposed to be, yet you are afraid to leave; or this job full of pressure, tough decisions, politics and negotiations that drains you completely, leaving you empty as you head home. Consider your job and all its emotion that stays in place all month long until your filter comes down, then you feel the frustration, anger, headaches, mental strain, and the “bitchyness” everyone calls “PMS”. It may not be your career but a relationship, extended family, financial expectations, past trauma’s being triggered, habits and addictions, or overcommitment.
Premenstrual Syndrome is not a state or disease, it is women expressing all their pent up, ignored, stifled emotions.
Many women experience back pain, cramping, fogged brain, heavy flow and clots. Think about your month… are you working 50 hours plus son’s hockey practice and daughter’s competitive dance, plus home renovations and your parents 65th birthday party. Then there’s volunteer work, kids’ homework, meals, medical appointments, “take home” work from the office, yard work, and a broken car. You are over worked, exhausted (if you admit it) and you are pushing your limits with a smile and the belief that you can do it ALL because it’s ALL important, expected, and needed! Your female core is expressing your month of excess, heaviness, obligation and suppression. Your deep grief’s flow out in heavy periods, your pressured mind that keeps so much information and responsibility organized will close-down, be fogged and sluggish to show you its too much. Your headaches and abdominal pain may be strong enough to send you to bed early, with warmth and soothing music, something you don’t usually make time for in your packed schedule.
I remember the day my homeopath talked to me about my life and how all that I was keeping “behind closed doors” was coming out loud and clear during my menstrual cycle. This was before Brené Brown and the shame, vulnerability movement. This was before all our discussions around self-care and self-love. This was before we vocalized how connected our spirit and emotions are to our bodies. In the past 20 years our society and what we discuss, tolerate, or share on media has changed, and when it comes to women and soul care – it is very good. Being an incredible person, mother, sister, wife, friend does not mean perfection or being available 24/7. We know that now. We know now that moments of expressed vulnerability are a sign of strength, not weakness. We know that being authentic is priceless and raising a “good human” is more important then grades or college acceptance. We know that being a female is a superpower but that doesn’t mean we are to be a superhero to everyone. And whether we observe it in ourselves or not, we do know that true rest, peace, deeply meaningful connection, and times of contemplative silence are golden and are needed if we are to become the women we dreamed to be as a little girl.
Are you translating all your knowledge, awareness, and self-help webinars into your heart and actions? Look at your cycles and look at your life and ask yourself if there is a correlation. Are you being honest with yourself about your relationships, marriage, parenting, career, anxieties, avoidance mechanisms, and your boundaries with others?
I know for me, that these peri-menopausal years are better than any years previous. My once horrendous “PMS” is now a mild sense that I need extra care tonight. That my work, life, relational balance is healthy and that has translated into a menstrual cycle that is simple, on time, painless and emotional free. It reminds me of the beautiful results of working diligently on my inner life and outer choices. Routines of silence, questioning, journaling and exercise. Thanks to my homeopath, thanks to coaches and friends that are blunt honest, loving and accountable with me.
Homeopathic medical care goes a long way in supporting women and their cycles. They help shift the painful symptoms and emotions towards health. Remedies can shine a light on all areas of your health and life that need attention, especially the premenstrual symptoms and their root. With the help of a professional you can naturally and authentically create a life more in line with who you are and watch your monthly cycle change and respond. Take note, there are some aliments that affect your menses that are not necessarily related to your inner turmoil. When under the care of a professional homeopath those aliments can be treated, taking into consideration how your cycle has changed because of the disease or disorder and you can see a return to health and balance.
If this speaks to you and you want to know more. If you start asking yourself questions and find that you don’t like aspects of your life, character, or anxieties and you realize they have been affecting your health. If you are seeing signs that post-partum depression or peri-menopausal anxieties and anger are a part of your everyday life. REACH OUT TODAY. 15 min free conversation to help you know if homeopathy or my homeopathic clinic are right for you. If not, I will help direct you to a practitioner who is right for you.
Temporary homeopathic help for your menstrual pain and suffering
Acute menstrual pain:
- Must bend double, better with heat
- Magnesium Phosphoricum (MagPhos) or Colocynthis
- Cramps or pain that comes on after anger
- Chamomilla
- Pain made worse by overindulgence to eating, alcohol, excitement, sugar etc.
- Nux Vomica
- Pain that comes with heavy bleeding, pulsating pain
- Belladonna
- Pain so violent she is screaming
- Cactus
Magnesium Phosphoricum: Heavy, painful menses. Radiating pains made better with pressure, bending double, warmth and rubbing. Lamenting about the pain, over sensitive and irritable.
Colocynthis: Agonizing pain made better by pressure, bending double, drawing up legs, coffee or smoking. Made worse from least amount of food or drink.
Chamomilla: Cramping and flatulence after anger, offense, touch, or menstrual flow has started. Very irritable, quarrelsome, snappy and impatient. Quite affected by environment (light, sound, touch) and overly sensitive to pain. Pain can extend into thighs. Made better by warmth.
Nux Vomica: Cramping and pain made worse after overindulgence or eating. Chilly. Irritable or outright angry. Can be suppressed anger, crying from anger. Made better by warmth. Bloating, flatulence and urges for stool can also be a part of the menstrual pain picture.
Belladonna: Pulsating pains made worse by motion, slight touch, or being jarred. Made better by pressure or laying on abdomen. Heavy bleeding, clots, and/or ovary pains. Can feel warm/hot then chilly after being overheated.
Cactus: Violent pain, screaming from pain. Constricting pains, tightness. Clots found in menses that give temporary pain relief when passed, blood can have a black color to it.
Note: Often with the type of pain we are discussing, higher potencies are needed to match the intensity of the pain. Those are received from a homeopath directly, but I’d suggest you start with a 200c, purchased from your local health store. Take 2 pellets every 30 minutes for up to 3 doses during an attack of pain. Otherwise one doses is usually enough and only re-dose when pain re-appears.
From one woman to another, knowing the brilliance that we are as women can shine brighter, with more freedom and ease! Many times, it all starts with reflecting on our inner life.
Love Sandra