What to do when the cold or flu has GOT You!
Lifestyle and homeopathic options when you are not feeling your best.
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Try homeopathy and the wholistic medical care approach that considers you
as an individual. Discover how Homeopathy
can restore balance in a natural, safe and effective way.
Do you experience depression, panic attacks, anxiety or
extreme responses to stress? Homeopathy can help to free you
from the bondage of these overwhelming emotions.
As a safe alternative with no side effects, homeopathy is great
for kids of all ages. Help your children through acutes such as teething,
cold, the flu and fevers or chronic concerns such as eczema,
asthma, allergies, sleep or behavioural disorders.
Lifestyle and homeopathic options when you are not feeling your best.
Read moreAs a Homeopath, many times I will use tissue salts in my prescriptions, along with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are made from plants, animals, minerals, metals, and tissue that when taken in its purest liquid form, being diluted and successed,
Read moreFevers are a part of an extraordinary and intricate healing process; they are usually an indication of increased activity from the immune system. Our defense system uses a fever as a stimulus to destroy invading organisms and promote health. Many
Read moreI am a registered homeopath and bioenergetic practitioner with offices in Kingston, ON. I graduated from the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine and am an active Full Class member with the College of Homeopaths of Ontario. My desire is to support and help individuals, young and old, who are active participants in their health, using homeopathic medicine together with biofeedback, and lifestyle coaching.
Gentle Wellness Homeopathy & BioEnergetics
4 months ago
The past year has been so full. Clinic life is bursting because all walks of life and age want change. I have 6 year olds asking their mom to see me because they are upset of being sick and missing out. Older men seeking out help because they want to enjoy retirement and aren’t. The stories of discouragement, isolation and fear as a result of a medical system that used to be far more helpful then it is now.
Yes, homeopathy is stimulating change and healing but now, discussing food, pharmaceuticals, toxins, stress, hormones, technology and cleaning up our lifestyle, our mental dialogs and nutrition is a BIG part of my day.
I need to keep up!! Currently listening to many podcasts, taking year long course on tissue salts (minerals/homeopathy), Mental Health Coach university, Nutrition around hormones and what’s damaging our health Masterclass, Reversing Alzheimer’s education, and reading, reading, reading.
What can you read or listen to today to educate yourself? What are your friends reading and sharing with you? Let’s keep cleaning our tanks together!!
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Gentle Wellness Homeopathy & BioEnergetics
4 months ago
Are you a woman? Do you know a women? If so, you need this book. Buy for yourself and buy for a Christmas gift. So much knowledge packed in combined with recipes. Thank you Dr. Mindy Pelz for such a great personal and clinical resource.
Excited to be a part of the Masterclass today!!
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Gentle Wellness Homeopathy & BioEnergetics
5 months ago
US Senate testimonies to bipartisan members of Congress about the biggest issue facing our world today: the increasing decimation of human health from metabolic diseases. Most importantly, we discussed what we can do about it. I am so excited that more is being said 'out loud' from a variety of sources and the discussion is about making major changes from the top down. Policy's and Laws must change. Corruption must be addressed. And this discussion can no longer ridiculed, shamed, ignored and considered imaginary.
Pick some speakers and listen - each talk for about 12-14 min.
The speakers at the Senate Hearing included:
Dr. Marty Makary (IG: @martymakary, X: @martymakary)
Dr. Chris Palmer (IG: @chrispalmermd, X: @chrispalmermd)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (IG: @robertfkennedyjr, X: @RobertKennedyJr)
Jillian Michaels (IG: @jillianmichaels, X: @JillianMichaels)
Max Lugavere (IG: @maxlugavere, X: @maxlugavere)
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson (IG: @jordan.b.peterson, X: @jordanbpeterson)
Van Hari (IG: @thefoodbabe, X: @thefoodbabe)
Calley Means (IG: @calleymeans, X: @calleymeans)
Casey Means (IG: Casey Means, MD, X: @caseymeansMD)
Alex Clark (IG: @realalexclark, X: @yoalexrapz)
Jason Karp (IG: @humankarp, X: @humankarp)
Brigham Buhler (IG: @ways2well)
Grace Price (IG: @travelingenes1, X: @travelingenes)
Courtney Swan (IG: @realfoodology, X: @realfoodology)
Mikhaila Fuller (IG: @mikhailapeterson, X: @mikhailafuller) ... See MoreSee Less
American Health & Nutrition: A Second Opinion
Sen. Johnson and a panel of experts will provide a foundational and historical understanding of the changes that have occurred over the last century within public sanitation, agriculture, food processAnd Jillian Michaels is also a informative and an aggressively fighting advocate to follow for information and tools. I have really loved her podcasts recently. To get movement on this health crisis we will never have people who perfectly meet our belief's or or needs but we must start somewhere and learn what we can for everyone so we ourselves can advocate and fight for our health. This goes for everyone on the above list - just start listening and making micro shifts in your life today!
What to start following someone that is on this list? Start with Casey Means, MD www.caseymeans.com/
Gentle Wellness Homeopathy & BioEnergetics
9 months ago
Fantastic book “Eat to Beat Disease” by Dr William Li. He discusses the book and the scientific evidence-based approach to thinking behind how the food can heal disease with Dr Mark Hyman. Great discussion.
My family has certain genetic precursors that I have seen play out in 3 generations, what if I can eat certain foods that will heal me from developing the diseases that plague my grandparents, parents and family members. We all know that food is vital but do you know why? Do you know its action on the body? Instead of accepting your current health state or resigning yourself to future health concerns, what if you intentionally changed your diet, to beat disease?!
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Gentle Wellness Homeopathy & BioEnergetics
10 months ago
Homeopathy awareness week April 10-16th. Celebrating the gentle, safe and effective way to maintain wellness for your whole family.
Last week a little girl with 2 ear infections, used Hepar Sulf 200c and pain and infection cleared quickly.
Also, followed-up with a university student with debilitating eczema made significantly worse in heat/sun found herself able to vacation during spring break and wear a t-shirt outside first time in years from Lycopodium.
Today, I met with a senior citizen who had vertigo keeping her in bed due to nausea and loss of balance was healed from taking Pulsatilla and it has only returned twice when profound grief wrenches her heart. In this, she repeated Pulsatilla and it passed again.
And then there's all the pregnant momma's and the care homeopathy provides throughout the entire pregnancy and delivery. Each natural birth using homeopathy to aide is amazing and they bring me the most joy.
I have 100s more examples, celebrating the power of homeopathic medicine and the journey it takes you on is my daily. Reach out to hear more.
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