Let me introduce myself

My name is Sandra O’Grady and I am the owner and homeopath at Gentle Wellness Homeopathy and BIE. This is my 12th year as a professional homeopath, 15 if you include my supervision years.  I’ve grown up in Ontario but was blessed to have also lived in western Canada for many years, as well as in Sweden. I have 3 “emerging adult” children, a supportive and funny husband, and a large extended family. As I have aged, family has become more important to me in general but also because being connected into a larger family community reminds me that love and grace must be a priority in my life and frankly, I am a better person and happier when love and grace lead my way.

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Service Area

Greater Kingston Area

In-person appointments available in the Greater Kingston area, including:

Virtual Appointments

Virtual appointments available Canada-wide

(905) 853-1490

Proud Member of the
College of Homeopaths of Ontario

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